Monday, September 30, 2019

Prospectus on Immigration

Aly Anderson 11/17/12 Turkan Deperlioglu English 105 Prospectus and Annotated Bibliography In today’s day of age, Illegal immigration is becoming a huge issue. With laws constantly changing and people's views becoming more obscure about the idea, Illegal Immigration is becoming a harder issue to tackle. Illegal immigration has many issues including economic spread, population growth, political stances, and difficult immigration processes. Both sides of the political arena are fighting effortlessly to get there point across.The Republicans believe that immigration should be stopped going into the United States of only poor immigrants, while prosperous immigrants are allowed. This is an example of racial profiling which is illegal in the US. The Democrats want to make the Immigration process easier to help bring economic prosperity to all. I agree with the Democrats, we should allow everyone in including the Mexican farm workers to the British pop stars (Ethier 67). No longer sh ould race, ethnicity, or amount of money made be a factor of getting into the country (Tolbert Hero 815).As a growing country, the more people we can have can mean a growing economy with prosperous people throughout. Carney, Dan, (1996). † Social Policy † Congressional Quarterly Weekly Report, 54, (36): 2531. In this article the, which is taken from the Congressional Report of the US Representatives, has many ideas that are brought to the front about immigration. It takes a good look at both sides of the congressional office. It is good article because it utilizes all of its resources and it helps the reader understand the different sides of the issue.It uses examples from different parts of the past to help explain the changing ideals about the issue. The article explains the congress ideas on the situation at hand and how it can affect the changing economy. With the economy in the state it is now, this article helps the reader understand the congresses point of view of the issue of immigration. This article has many different views to the idea of changing Illegal Immigration. With either views of the Congressional Report, I truly learned the different stances of the Government of immigration.Ciobanu, Ileana M. and Thomas C. Green. (2006). â€Å"Deputizing – and Then Prosecuting – America's Businesses in the Fight against Illegal Immigration,† American Criminal Law Review, 43, (3): 1203+. In â€Å"Deputizing- and Then Prosecuting- America’s Businesses in the Fight against Illegal Immigration†, the reader gets a good hard look of the business prospective Illegal Immigration. American businesses are getting hit hard by both Illegal Immigrants taking jobs and the American government trying to hunt them down which is causes quite the controversy.This article is taken by the American Criminal Law review, which is a group of government-funded people who search for Illegal Immigrants throughout the US. It gives you an i n-depth look at todays government officials ideas about Immigration. The article used a lot of it’s own businesses troubles to explain the situation and how it affects others. Using its own problems as examples helps you realize the bad in immigration. It allows a look into the large business side of the immigration. It helps and gives good ideas of what is going on with immigration in the US.Fullinwider, Robert, (2005). â€Å"Affirmative Action†, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2005 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed. ), http://plato. stanford. edu/archives/spr2005/entries/affirmative-action/ This article explains immigration and what is trying to be done with it. It lists many different types of solutions and ideas to help get both sides of the argument involved. Not only does it does it explain the issue but with the solution ideas, this article is one of the best. â€Å"Affirmative Action† helps the reader understand the different sides of the iss ue.It does not bad mouth either side of the argument and the author is good at keeping the opinion to himself unlike some of the other articles that are being presented. This article also utilizes all the resources from the congress to business and other forms of small government. It makes sense to use this as a resource because it explains and gives examples why immigration is both bad and good. Robert Fullinwider uses his studies of philosophy and uses it to help explain why people migrate into the US and why people in the government do not like it.Graham, Hugh Davis, (1990), The Civil Rights Era: Origins and Development of National Policy 1960-1972 (New York: Oxford University Press): 413. This earlier article explains how immigration is similar to the Civil Rights Era. Racial profiling is still used today on immigrants coming from all around the world. Hugh Davis Graham explains the cruel happenings due to immigration and how it is affecting other people’s view of immigra nts entering the US. He explains the relationship of the civil rights movement and the immigration process.Racial profiling is becoming a large problem for immigrants who come up from the south, similar to African Americans back in the sixties. The many examples given helps the readers completely understand the parallelism between the two. It uses history as en examples to give good explanations. With immigration being such a present day topic, this article is an excellent source for the paper because how much it discusses the issues at hand. Hayes, Ted, (September 25, 2000 ). â€Å"Illegal Immigration Threatens U. S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture,† Insight on the News, 16, (36): 46 In â€Å"Illegal Immigration Threatens U.S. Sovereignty, Economy and Culture,† all the cons about Illegal Immigration are brought to the surface. A major one is over population. Though this is not a major problem within the US, people believe it can really hurt our country. Some citizens believe that immigrants can take away or really change the voting in America. They only problem is that people do not realize that within the constitution that voting can neither be changed nor taken away. This article is a good source because of how it explains the cons of the issue, also how it give good, descriptive examples. Howell, Llewellyn d. July 2006). â€Å"Ironies of Illegal Immigration,† USA Today, 135, (2734): 19 In the â€Å"Ironies of Illegal Immigration,† Llewellyn Howell talks about how the government contradicts itself with the ideas of immigration. She uses many different examples like money and laws. With the example of laws, there are many different theories on how to make immigration easier but the laws contradict themselves in the sense they both help and stop immigrants from getting into the US. Though this isn’t the best for helping Americans promote their country, it also allows many to keep the country they so proudly built.In the end of this controversial article, Howell states that the US Government needs to get a congress and President that agree on the idea of Immigration and how it should have never gotten this far. The article was a good source for many explanations in the paper because of how well the examples explain the issue of Immigration. Lempres, Michael T. (1994). â€Å"Getting Serious about Illegal Immigration,† National Review, 46, (3): 52+ Michael T. Lempres explains immigration through the eyes of a congressman. He utilizes his skills and gives examples about immigration in many in depth ways.The author gets very descriptive about the points of immigration. He discusses both sides of the of the issue in ways that make the reader a lot more settled because they can understand the political terms. This is a good source because it brought forth the issue of economic status and how immigration really affects our country. He goes on to explain how making the immigration process easier can hel p make our economy thrive because more money is being cycled through our system. Also, immigration can help people with their cultural view and help Americans stop being so one sided.This article really helped when understanding the pros to the issue of immigration and what is does for our country. LMD, (Summer 1992). â€Å"How to Avoid Immigration-Related Employment Discrimination,† Labor Management Decisions, 2, (2) This article is very useful when it comes to understanding the discrimination in the work force due to immigration. Most people do not realize that it is harder for immigrants to find a job because they are different. Many immigrants come over with a lot of the same schooling as us Americans or even more.Sometimes immigrants even have more schooling because some other countries have a higher standard of education. Now, with jobs being more limited in the US. People play favorites when offering jobs to others in the work force and that makes it harder for people coming over looking for jobs. This source has a lot to offer and really made immigration easier to understand. Website, â€Å"Immigration Problems in the US,† Online, http://www. cyberessays. com/Politics/32. htm â€Å"Immigration Problems in the US† discusses the major difficulties within the immigrating processes in the US today.It also looks back into the past US problems with Immigration like overpopulation over economic status. This article brings up the government views as well as the views of the American population. It allows for people to read the article and understand the why making the immigration process for entering the US should be easier and how it can benefit our country. Though the author is not stated in the website, they clearly explain why immigration is such a big issue to people within our country and throughout the world.This article is an amazing source for one who is trying to learn more about immigration and how it affects our world. White, D eborah, â€Å"Analysis of Immigration Reform Proposal,† Liberal Politics: US, Available Online: http://usliberals. about. com/od/immigration/i/BushImmiReform. htm This article looks at the political reforms that are set in place for immigration. It has a deep explanation into the government view of immigration and how it being stopped. It does not look at either side of the political arena like other articles being presented.This is a true understanding of the reform recently written to make immigration a more difficult process and why this is not acceptable to our constitution. Deborah White makes a good attempt to understand the minds of the politicians involved with this reform and why it was written just so recently. With White’s view being more on the Liberal side, she focuses more on the conservative side of things and trying to understand their views and why they have them. This was a helpful article because it gave good representation to both views of the issue .

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Carrie Chapter Two

‘I'm sure she'll be all right,' she said. ‘Carrie only has to go over to Carlin Street. The fresh air will do her good.' Morton gave the girl the yellow slip. ‘You can go now, Cassie,' he said magnanimously. ‘That's not my name!' she screamed suddenly. Morton recoiled, and Miss Desjardin jumped as if struck from behind. The heavy ceramic ashtray on Morton's desk (it was Rodin's Thinker with his head turned into a receptacle for cigarette butts) suddenly toppled to the rug, as if to take cover from the force of her scream. Butts and flakes of Morton's pipe tobacco scattered on the pale-green nylon rug. ‘Now, listen,' Morton said, trying to muster sternness, ‘I know you're upset, but that doesn't mean I'll stand for-‘ ‘Please,' Miss Desjardin said quietly. Morton blinked at her and then nodded curtly. He tried to project the image of a lovable John Wayne figure while performing the disciplinary functions that were his main job as Assistant Principal, but did not succeed very well. The administration (usually represented at Jay Cee suppers, P.T.A. functions, and American Legion award ceremonies by Principal Henry Grayle) usually termed him ‘lovable Mort.' The student body was more apt to term him ‘that crazy ass-jabber from the office.' But, as few students such as Billy deLois and Henry Trennant spoke at P.T.A. functions or town meetings, the administration's view tended to carry the day. Now lovable Mort, still secretly nursing his jammed thumb, smiled at Carrie and said, ‘Go along then if you like, Miss Wright. Or would you like to sit a spell and just collect yourself?' ‘I'll go,' she muttered, and swiped at her hair. She got up, then looked around at Miss Desjardin. Her eyes were wide open and dark with knowledge. ‘They laughed at me. Threw things. They've always laughed,' Desjardin could only look at her helplessly. Carrie left. For a moment there was silence; Morton and Desjardin watched her go. Then, with an awkward throat-clearing sound, Mr Morton hunkered down carefully and began to sweep together the debris from the fallen ashtray. ‘What was that all about?' She sighed and looked at the drying maroon hand-print on her shorts with distaste. ‘She got her period. Her first period. In the shower.' Morton cleared his throat again and his cheeks went pink. The sheet of paper he was sweeping with moved even faster. ‘Isn't she a bit, uh-‘ ‘Old for her first? Yes. That's what made it so traumatic for her. Although I can't understand why her mother†¦' The thought trailed off, forgotten for the moment. ‘I don't think I handled it very well, Morty, but I didn't understand what was going on. She thought she was bleeding to death.' He stared up sharply. ‘I don't believe she knew there was such a thing as menstruation until half an hour ago.' ‘Hand me that little brush there, Miss Desjardin. Yes, that's it.' She handed him a little brush with the legend Chamberlain Hardware and Lumber Company NEVER Brushes You Off written up the handle. He began to brush his pile of ashes on to the paper. ‘There's still going to be some for the vacuum cleaner, I guess. This deep pile is miserable. I thought I set that ashtray back on the desk further. Funny how things fall over.' He bumped his head on the desk and sat up abruptly. ‘It's hard for me to believe that a girl in this or any other high school could get through three years and still be alien to the fact of menstruation, Miss Desjardin.' ‘It's even more difficult for me, she said. ‘But it's all I can think of to explain her reaction. And she's always been a group scapegoat.' ‘Urn.' He funnelled the ashes and butts into the wastebasket and dusted his hands. ‘I've placed her, I think. White. Margaret White's daughter. Must be. That makes it a little easier to believe.' He sat down behind his desk and smiled apologetically. ‘There's so many of them. After five years or so, they all start to merge into one group face. You call boys by their brother's names, that type of thing. It's hard.' ‘Of course it is.' ‘Wait 'til you've been in the game twenty years, like me,' he said morosely, looking down at his blood blister. ‘You get kids that look familiar and find out you had their daddy the year you started teaching. Margaret White was before my time, for which I am profoundly grateful. She told Mrs Bicente, God rest her, that the Lord was reserving a special burning seat in hell for her because she gave the kids an outline of Mr Darwin's beliefs on evolution. She was suspended twice while she was here – once for beating a classmate with her purse. Legend has it that Margaret saw the classmate smoking a cigarette. Peculiar religious views. Very peculiar.' His John Wayne expression suddenly snapped down. ‘The other girls. Did they really laugh at her?' ‘Worse. They were yelling and throwing sanitary napkins at her when I walked in. Throwing them like.. like peanuts.' ‘Oh. Oh, dear.' John Wayne disappeared. Mr Morton went scarlet. ‘You have names?' ‘Yes. Not all of them, although some of them may rat on the rest. Christine Hargensen appeared to be the ringleader †¦ as usual.' ‘Chris and her Mortimer Snurds,' Morton murmured. ‘Yes. Tina Blake, Rachel Spies, Helen Shyres, Donna Thibodeau and her sister Fern, Lila Grace, Jessica Upshaw. And Sue Snell.' She frowned. ‘You wouldn't expect a trick like that from Sue. She's never seemed the type for this kind of a – stunt.' ‘Did you talk to the girls involved?' Miss Desjardin chuckled unhappily. ‘I got them the hell out of there. I was too flustered. And Carrie was having hysterics.' ‘Um.' He steepled his fingers. ‘Do you plan to talk to them?' ‘Yes.' But she sounded reluctant. ‘Do I detect a note of-‘ ‘You probably do,' she said glumly. ‘I'm living in a glass house, see. I understand how those girls felt. The whole thing just made me want to take the girl and shake her. Maybe-there's some kind of instinct about menstruation that makes women want to snarl. I don't know. I keep seeing Sue Snell and the way she looked.' ‘Um,' Mr Morton repeated wisely. He did not understand women and had no urge at all to discuss menstruation. ‘I'll talk to them tomorrow,' she promised, rising. ‘Rip them down one side and up the other.' ‘Good. Make the punishment suit the crime. And if you feel you have to send any of them to, ah, to me, feel free-‘ ‘I will,' she said kindly. ‘By the way, a light blew out while I was trying to calm her down. It added the final touch.' ‘I'll send a janitor right down,' he promised. ‘And thanks for doing your best, Miss Desjardin. Will you have Miss Fish send in Billy and Henry?' ‘Certainly.' She left. He leaned back and let the whole business slide out of his mind. When Billy deLois and Henry Trennant, classcutters extraordinaire, slunk in, he glared at them happily and prepared to talk tough. As he often told Hank Grayle, he ate class-cutters for lunch. Graffiti scratched on a desk in Chamberlain Junior High School: Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, but Carrie While eats shit. She walked down Ewin Avenue and crosssed over to Carlin at the stoplight on the corner. Her head was down and she was trying to think of nothing. Cramps came and went in great, gripping waves, making her slow down and speed up like a car with carburettor trouble. She stared at the sidewalk. Quartz glittering in the cement. Hop-scotch grids scratched in ghostly, rain-faded chalk. Wads of gum stamped flat. Pieces of tinfoil and penny-candy wrappers. They all hate and they never stop. They never get tired of it. A penny lodged in a crack. She kicked it. Imagine Chris Hargensen all bloody and screaming for mercy. With rats crawling all over her face. Good. Good. That would be good. A dog turd with a foot-track in the middle of it. A roll of blackened caps that some kid had banged with a stone. Cigarette butts. Crash in her head with a rock, with a boulder. Crash in all their hearts. Good. Good. (saviour Jesus meek and mild) That was good for Momma, all right for her. She didn't have to go among the wolves every day of every year, out into a carnival of laughers, joke-tellers, pointers, snickerers. And didn't Momma say there would be a Day of Judgment. (the name of that star shall be wormwood and they shall be scourged with scorpions) and an angel with a sword? If only it would be today and Jesus coming not with a lamb and a shepherd's crook, but with a boulder on each hand to crush the laughters and the snickerers, to root out the evil and destroy it screaming – a terrible Jesus of blood and righteousness. And if only she could be His sword and His arm. She had tried to fit. She had defied Momma in a hundred little ways, had tried to erase the red-plague circle that had been drawn around her from the first day she had left the controlled environment of the small house on Carlin Street and had walked up to the Baker Street Grammar School with her Bible under her arm. She could still remember that day, the stares, and the sudden, awful silence when she had gotten down on her knees before lunch in the school cafeteria-the laughter had begun on that day and had echoed up through the years. The red-plague circle was like blood itself-you could scrub and scrub and scrub and still it would be there, not erased, not clean. She had never gotten on her knees in a public place again, although she had not told Momma that. Still, the original memory remained, with her and with them. She had fought Momma tooth and nail over the Christian Church Camp, and had earned the money to go herself by taking in sewing. Momma told her darkly that it was Sin, that it was Methodists and Baptists and Congregationalists and that it was Sin and Backsliding. She forbade Carrie to swim at the camp. Yet although she had swum and had laughed when they ducked her (until she couldn't get her breath any more and they kept doing it and she got panicky and began to scream) and had tried to take part in the camp's activities, a thousand practical jokes had been played on ol' prayin' Carrie and she had come home on the bus a week early, her eyes red and socketed from weeping, to be picked up by Momma at t he station, and Momma had told her grimly that she should treasure the memory of her scourging as proof that Momma knew, that Momma was right, that the only hope of safety and salvation was inside the red circle. ‘For straight is the gate,' Momma said grimly in the taxi, and at home she had sent Carrie to the closet for six hours. Momma had, of course, forbade her to shower with the other girls; Carrie had hidden her shower things in her school locker and had showered anyway, taking part in a naked ritual that was shameful and embarrassing to her in hopes that the circle around her might fade a little, just a little- (but today o today) Tommy Erbter, age five, was biking up the other side of the street. He was a small, intense-looking boy on a twenty-inch Schwinn with bright-red training wheels. He was humming ‘Scoobie Doo, where are you?' under his breath. He saw Carrie, brightened, and stuck out his tongue. ‘Hey, ol' fart-face! Ol' prayin' Carrie!' Carrie glared at him with sudden smoking rage. The bike wobbled on its training wheels and suddenly fell over. Tommy screamed. The bike was on top of him. Carrie smiled and walked on. The sound of Tommy's wails was sweet, jangling music in her ears. If only she could make something like that happen whenever she liked. (just did) She stopped dead seven houses up from her own, staring blankly at nothing. Behind her, Tommy was climbing tearfully back on to his bike, nursing a scraped knee. He yelled something at her, but she ignored it. She had been yelled at by experts. She had been thinking: (fall off that bike kid push you off that bike and split your rotten head) And something had happened Her mind had †¦ had †¦ she groped for a word. Had flexed. That was not just right, but it was very close. There had been a curious mental bending, almost like an elbow curling a dumbbell. That wasn't exactly right either, but it was all she could think of. An elbow with no strength. A weak baby muscle. Flex. She suddenly stared fiercely at Mrs Yorraty's big picture window. She thought: (stupid frumpty old bitch break that window) Nothing. Mrs Yorraty's picture window glittered serenely in the fresh nine o'clock glow of morning. Another cramp gripped Carrie's belly and she walked on. But †¦ The light. And the ashtray; don't forget the ashtray. She looked back (old bitch hates my momma) over her shoulder. Again it seemed that something flexed †¦ but very weakly. The flow of her thoughts shuddered as if there had been a sudden bubbling from a wellspring deeper inside. The picture window seemed to ripple. Nothing more. It could have been her eyes. Could have been. Her head began to feel tired and fuzzy, and it throbbed with the beginning of a headache. Her eyes were hot, as if she had just sat down and read the Book of Revelations straight through. She continued to walk down the street toward the small white house with the blue shutters. The familiar hate-love-dread feeling was churning inside her. Ivy had crawled up the west side of the bungalow (they always called it the bungalow because the White house sounded like a political joke and Momma said all politicians were crooks and sinners and would eventually give the country over to the Godless Reds who would put all the believers of Jesus – even the Catholics – up against the wall), and the ivy was picturesque, she knew it was, but sometimes she hated it. Sometimes, like now, the ivy looked like a grotesque giant hand ridged with great veins which had sprung up out of the ground to grip the building. She approached it with dragging feet. Of course, there had been the stones. She stopped again, blinking vapidly at the day. The stones. Momma never talked about that; Carrie didn't even know if her momma still remembered the day of the stones. It was surprising that she herself still remembered it. She had been a very little girl then. How old? Three? Four? There had been the girl in the white bathing suit, and then the stones came. And things had flown in the house. Here the memory was, suddenly bright and clear. As if it had been here all along, just below the surface, waiting for a kind of mental puberty. Waiting, maybe, for today. From Carrie: The Black Dawn of T.K. (Esquire Magazine, September 12, 1980) by Jack Gaver: Estelle Horan had lived in the neat San Diego suburb of Parrish for twelve years, and outwardly she is typical Mrs California: She wears bright print shifts and smoked amber sunglasses; her hair is black-streaked blonde; she drives a neat maroon Volkswagen Formula Vee with a smile decal on the petrol cap and a green-flag ecology sticker on the back window. Her husband is an executive at the Parrish branch of the Bank of America; her son and daughter are certified members of the Southern California Sun ‘n Fun Crowd, burnished-brown beach creatures. There is a hibachi in the small, beautifully kept back yard, and the door chimes play a tinkly phrase from the refrain of ‘Hey, Jude.' But Mrs Horan still carries the thin, difficult soil of New England somewhere inside her, and when she talks of Carrie White her face takes on an odd, pinched look that is more like Lovecraft out of Arkham than Kerouac out of Southern Cat. ‘Of course she was strange,' Estelle Horan tells me. lighting a second Virginia Slim a moment after stubbing out her first. ‘The whole family was strange. Ralph was a construction worker, and people on the street said he carried a Bible and a .38 revolver to work with him every day. The Bible was for his coffee break and lunch. The .38 was in case he met Antichrist on the job, I can remember the Bible myself. The revolver †¦ who knows? He was a big olive-skinned man with his hair always shaved into a flattop crewcut. He always looked mean. And you didn't meet his eyes, not ever. They were so intense they actually seemed to glow. When you saw him coming you crossed the street and you never stuck out your tongue at his back, not ever. That's how spooky he was.' She pauses, puffing clouds of cigarette smoke toward the pseudo-redwood beams that cross the ceiling. Stella Horan lived on Carlin Street until she was twenty, commuting to day classes at Lewin Business College in Motton. But she remembers the incidents of the stones very clearly. ‘There are times,' she says, ‘when I wonder if I might have caused it. Their back yard was next to ours, and Mrs White had put in a hedge but it hadn't grown out yet. She'd called my mother dozens of times about â€Å"the show† I was putting on in my back yard. Well, my bathing suit was perfectly decent – prudish by today's standards – nothing but a plain old one-piece Jantzen. Mrs White used to go on and on about what a scandal it was for â€Å"her baby.† My mother..-. well, she tries to be polite, but her temper is so quick. I don't know what Margaret White did to finally push her over the edge – called me the Whore of Babylon, I suppose – but my mother told her our yard was our yard and I'd go out and dance the hootchie-kootchie buck naked if that was her pleasure and mine. She also told her that she was a dirty old woman with a can of worms for a mind. There was a lot more shouting, but that was the upshot of it. ‘I wanted to stop sunbathing right then. I hate trouble. It upsets my stomach. But Mom-when she gets a case, she's a terror. She came home from Jordan Marsh with a little white bikini. Told me I might as well get all the sun I could. â€Å"After all,† she said, â€Å"the privacy of our own back yard and all.† Stella Horan smiles a little at the memory and crushes out her cigarette. ‘I tried to argue with her, tell her I didn't want any more trouble, didn't want to be a pawn in their back-fence war. Didn't do a bit of good. Trying to stop my mum when she' gets a bee in her hat is like trying to stop a Mack truck going downhill with no brakes. Actually, there was more to it. I was scared of the Whites. Real religious nuts are nothing to fool with. Sure, Ralph White was dead, but what if Margaret still had that .38 around? ‘But there I was on Saturday afternoon, spread out ‘ on a blanket in the back yard, covered with suntan lotion and listening to Top Forty on the radio. Mom hated that stuff and usually she'd yell out at least twice for me to turn it down before she went nuts. But that day she turned it up twice herself. I started to feel like the Whore of Babylon myself ‘But nobody came out of the Whites' place. Not even the old lady to hang her wash. That's something else – she never hung any undies on the back line. Not even Carrie's, and she was only three back then. Always in the house. ‘I started to relax. I guess I was thinking Margaret must have taken Carrie to the park to worship God in the raw or something. Anyway, after a little while I rolled on my back, put one arm over my eyes, and dozed off. ‘When I woke up, Carrie was standing next to me and looking down at my body.' She breaks off, frowning into space. Outside, the cars are whizzzing by endlessly. I can hear the steady little whine my tape recorder makes. But it all seems a little too brittle, too glossy, just a cheap patina over a darker world – a real world where nightmares happen. ‘She was such a pretty girl,' Stella Horan resumes, fighting another cigarette. ‘I've seen some high school pictures of her, and that horrible fuzzy black-and-white photo on the cover of Newsweek. I look at them and all I can think is, Dear God, where did she go? What did that woman do to her? Then I feel sick and sorry. She was so pretty, with pink cheeks and bright brown eyes, and her hair the shade of blonde you know will darken and get mousy. Sweet is the only word that fits. Sweet and bright and innocent. Her mother's sickness hadn't touched her very deeply, not then. ‘I kind of started up awake and tried to smile. It was hard to think what to do. I was logy from the sun and my mind felt sticky and slow. I said â€Å"Hi.† She was wearing a little yellow dress, sort of cute but awfully long for a little girl in the summer. It came down to her shins. ‘She didn't smile back. She just pointed and said, â€Å"What are those?† ‘I looked down and saw that my top had slipped while I was asleep. So I fixed it and said, â€Å"Those are my breasts, Carrie,† ‘Then she said-very solemnly: â€Å"I wish I had some.† ‘I said: â€Å"You have to wait, Carrie. You won't start to get them for another †¦ oh. eight or nine years.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

British legal system Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

British legal system - Case Study Example This reflective report will provide an analysis of some of the most famous historical cases within the Old Bailey Courthouse, and choose a key issue based upon what I have witnessed and provide an analysis of discrimination and diversity in the criminal court as it pertains to my visit. London's Central Criminal Court is responsible for handling the most important criminal cases from the Greater London area as well as sensational legal matters which warrant special attention from other parts of Britain. The Old Bailey presently occupies the site of the Main Roman West Gate in the ancient city of London. Dating back to the 12th century, the present location initially housed both a court and a prison and was destroyed in the 1666 Great London Fire. The present structure was largely built at the end of the Victorian era and replayed the unpopular Newgate prison during the reign of his majesty King Edward VII. In 2007, London's Central Criminal Court celebrated its 100 year anniversary. The immense Old Bailey has 18 courtrooms and tries approximately 1,500 cases per year making it one of the most active and prolific courthouses in the country. Trying serious murderers, accused terrorists and a plethora of high-profile defendants, the Old Bailey's Senior Judge, His Hono ur Judge Peter Beaumont QC is the Recorder of London ands highest authority at the Court (City of London, 2007; Murphy, 1999). What are the roles and functions of the court Old Bailey within the UK system' The Old Bailey Courthouse is an iconic structure which plays an important role in the British system. Accordingly, most prominent cases in the London area make their way to the Old Bailey and this is the place in which UK justice is meted out. Criminals, violent offenders, embezzlers and a whole host of other presumed offenders have faced justice at the Old Bailey and this building remains an important and often publicized institution of the British justice system. Accordingly, in media and tabloid reports, when a case is in front of the judges at the Old Bailey there is increased media attention and publicity since the trial is likely of a great magnitude and importance. Historically speaking, a variety of high-profile cases have been judged at the Old Bailey including the case against Oscar Wilde in which he made his famous 'Love that dare not speak its name" speech while in the dock at the Old Bailey; t he Lord Haw Haw treason case after World War II; the trial of the Kray Brothers were tried at the Old Bailey as well as that of the Yorkshire Ripper. Recent prominent cases include the case of Fatima Miah, who was acquitted of violently shaking her newborn causing death and the shocking case of Baby P in which a two-year old boy was raped and killed. These are just some of the most sensational cases to land in the dock at the Old Bailey. The Old Bailey is the personification of the strength and importance of Her Majesty's Courts Services (HMCS), the judiciary, the police forces and the City of London. It is the representation of the British Justice System and an important building for the people of the United Kingdom. We now turn to an exploration of an important issue in our analysis, discrimination and racism within the UK Justice System (Murphy, 1999. Issue Analysis The promotion of equality and inclusion as well as the value of diversity in practice are at the helm of

Friday, September 27, 2019

I Want To Live by Thom Jones Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

I Want To Live by Thom Jones - Essay Example From the beginning of illness, Mrs. Wilson lives on medicines that relieve her of the crushing pains. Though the medication process often seems to be as painful as the growth of cancer, she takes it out of a strong desire to live. The surprising turn of the story’s yield is that though she begins to grow hatred for the ritualistic painful process of medication, she cannot but take it since it allows her to be blessed with more scopes to live for few more hours. Indeed the medication process along its benefits and lacking resembles life itself. Mrs. Wilson feels that what one needs to live a life is his or her ‘will to live’, even though it exposes her to the next painful session of her illness and the medication process that is the metaphor of pain and sorrow in life. Before coming to her daughter’s house, she was gradually losing her â€Å"will to live†. Whereas in the hospital’s cancer care unit, the anguish of accepting death was continually rising, her â€Å"will to live† begins to grow; once she chooses to pass her terminal days. Mrs. Wilson’s shift from the hospital or clinic to her daughter’s house stands for her transport from the care of d uty to the care of love. Even though the doctors and the nurses perform their duty well, they cannot fill up the gap, caused by the lack of a close relative at her bedside. Indeed the author shows that the nurses’ and doctors’ care is their duty, whereas her daughter’s and son-in-law’s care is their love. From a medical perspective, it can be said that the care in his daughter’s house more holistic than any professional care in any clinic or medical. In this regard, Laughlin says, â€Å"The author depicts a more holistic model of caretaking here, integrating professional health care, knowledge from pharmacological and alternative medicines, and the value of relationships† (7). From a literary perspective, Mrs. Wilson’s near relatives’ presence during the terminal hours

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Chemical Castration of Pedophiles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 19500 words

Chemical Castration of Pedophiles - Essay Example There is considerÐ °ble clinicÐ °l reseÐ °rch focusing on violent sexuÐ °l offenders, including child molesters. The relÐ °tionship of T to Ð °ggressive sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior in men hÐ °s Ð °lso been extensively reseÐ °rched Ð °nd some studies hÐ °ve shown positive correlÐ °tions between plÐ °smÐ ° T levels Ð °nd sexuÐ °l Ð °ggression. The chemicÐ °l cÐ °strÐ °tion treÐ °tment of sexuÐ °l offenders is Ð ° chemicÐ °l method of reducing the sexuÐ °l drive Ð °nd consequently Ð °ffecting the sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior of sexuÐ °l offenders. It hÐ °s been Ð °ssumed thÐ °t the direction of sexuÐ °l drive wÐ °s unÐ °ffected. Recent work with cyproterone Ð °cetÐ °te (CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION) showed differentiÐ °l effects on sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l pÐ °tterns with Ð ° reduction of pedophilic sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l but less effect on the sexuÐ °l Ð °rousÐ °l to Ð °dult mutuÐ °lly consenting heterosexuÐ °l intercourse. Cyproterone Ð °cetÐ °te hÐ °s chemicÐ °l cÐ °strÐ °tionic, Ð °ntigonÐ °drotropic, Ð °nd progestÐ °tionÐ °l effects (LiÐ °ng et Ð °l., 1977). Its principÐ °l mode of Ð °ction is on the Ð °ndrogen receptors. CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION blocks the intrÐ °cellulÐ °r T uptÐ °ke, the intrÐ °cellulÐ °r metÐ °bolism of the Ð °ndrogens Ð °s well Ð °s the receptor binding (MÐ °inwÐ °ring, 1977). CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION Ð °ppeÐ °rs to hÐ °ve Ð ° mÐ °in effect on receptors thÐ °t hÐ °ve Ð ° high Ð °ffinity for dihydrotestosterone (DHT). CHEMICÐ L CÐ STRÐ TION hÐ °s both desirÐ °ble Ð °nd undesirÐ °ble side effects Ð °nd those influencing sexuÐ °l behÐ °vior Ð °re desirÐ °ble in the treÐ °tment of the pedohiliÐ °. he side effects Ð °re, to Ð ° lÐ °rge degree, dose dependent.... It is these individuls who need to be treted using chemicl pproch in ddition to cognitive behviouril therpy. Further, pedophili lone is very severe public helth problem of stggering proportions, with between 6 nd 62% of girls nd 10 to 30% of boys being the victims of sexul buse in childhood ccording to vrious studies (Peters, Wytt, & Finkelhor, 1986). Furthermore, in the United Sttes the costs of incrcerting individuls convicted of sexully busing children is stggering, with more thn two billion dollrs spent in 1990, while t the sme time there is no evidence tht the deterrence of incrcertion hs ny impct on the problem (Pithers et l., 1995). t this time, no one is certin of the cuse of pedophili nd other sexul devitions. In ddition, the ctul incidence nd prevlence of the pedohili is unknown. The level of sexul buse victimiztion of children in the generl popultion tody is firly consistent with tht reported by Kinsey (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). In study completed in the 1940s, 24% of 4,000 femles surveyed disclosed sexul interction with mle t lest five yers older thn them when they were 14 yers of ge or younger (Gebhrd & Johnson, 1979). Sexul intercourse occurred in 93% of cses, nd in 31% of cses there ws mild petting or fondling without involvement of the genitls. ntionl survey by the Federl Government of Cnd on sexul violence ginst children nd dolescents found tht 18.1% of children (23.5% of femles nd 12.8% of mles) were victims of childhood sexul buse. In only 20% of cses were the perpetrtors strngers, with friends, cquintnces, prents, nd other fmily members being the perpetrtors in the mjority of cses (Federl Government of Cnd, 1984). The ctul levels of the prevlence of pedophili in the generl popultion is unknown, but it

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Violence currently facing Colombia's dispossessed Essay

The Violence currently facing Colombia's dispossessed - Essay Example Thousands of people have lost their lives and millions are being put out of place. Large number of ingenious people, Afro-Columbians and farmers were forced to leave their relatives and native lands because of violence. Growing conflicts and calamities among the armed forces and guerrilla groups changed the land into dispossessed status and it indicates that the country could soon experience a revolution such as one impacting Mexico during 1910s. Studies and researches have recognized that the underlying cause of this crisis is related with U.S policies which promote the killing of millions of common people in Columbia. News reports about the dispossessed reveals the story that thousands of Columbians were relocated by years of war and state-backed terrorism. Analyzing the history, one can see that existing policies of the United States paved the way for a revolution. Therefore, one feel comfort to agree the statement that â€Å"The violence currently facing Colombia’s  "dispossessed† is indicative that the country could soon experience a revolution such as the one impacting Mexico during the 1910s†.The root cause of the crisis in Columbia lie its weak state, a divided ruling class, and two party political system which strictly prevented any kind of participation or voice from the common people. Periodic party competition between the Liberals and Conservatives led the country to armed conflicts. Things became worst, when the Liberal government passed measures for protecting social security and workers’ right of the same kind to Roosevelt’s New Deal. The emerging of Second World War collapsed reforms activities and President Alfonzo Lopez Pumarejo forced to face strong opposition from inside and the outside of his party. The assassination of Jorge Eliecr Gaitan, the leader of rebels paved the way for unending violence and conflicts. In 1986 election, fighting armed forces and guerillas faced general election as the result o f Government’s invitation. But after the election government and the armed Right go back on their promises. The election procedures false down and more than 3000 people were murdered. All armed forces came back to their own previous status, especially the guerillas returned to the hills and took arms. Existing armed conflicts and outrage violence in Columbia, indicates the emergence of a revolution. The book entitled, The dispossessed: chronicles of the Desterrados of Colombia by Alfredo Molano describes the conflicts took place in Columbia .Author clearly mentions about the U.S policies and its political supports towards the Columbian government indirectly acts as a catalyst in the process of spreading violence. From the very beginning, Alfredo Molano reveals the cause and effects of current war between military force and the guerillas. Author explores the real cause of conflict by saying; â€Å"Neoliberal policies forcing competition between small Columbian farmers and int ernational agribusiness drove more than five million farmers off their lands in the 1990s† (Molano, 2005, p.21). The arriving of the drug cartels and the paramilitaries in to the warfront changed the nation in to a land of political anarchism. Conflicts between the international agribusiness groups and small Columbian farmers promoted economic stagnation and food problem all over the country. As a result of political, ideological, and military polarizations guerilla

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Family and Kinship in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Family and Kinship in Japan - Essay Example The sayings, or â€Å"Analects† of Confucius were written some 500 years BC and they contain many references to the duties of parents and children, in particular stressing the duty of the young man to respect his elders (Confucius and Leys, 1997, p. 4). In those days peasant families had no social security systems or means of supporting themselves in old age, and so children were expected to provide for their parents. Japanese culture is no longer based on a peasant, agricultural economy, but in the urban centers there is still an expectation that children should respect their elders, and a collectivist approach to society which involves each family unit being responsible for their own members. With the rise of industrial society in Japan male and female roles continued to be quite clearly segregated, so that women maintained the role of homemaker and provide care for the elders, while the men are expected to work long hours with a few holidays. A relic of older times can be seen in the way that Japanese religion has a place for ancestor worship. The Japanese Shinto religion involves interactions with kami or spirits, and these can include the ghosts of ancestors who have died. Hori noted in the 1960s that this practice is â€Å"even today, widespread and important† (Hori, p. 32) but points out at the same time that there is a difference between this kind of lowly household deity and the more absolute deities of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Japanese religious beliefs are syncretistic, drawing on many different sources for inspiration so that the same family can have a Shinto New Year celebration, a Buddhist funeral and a Christian wedding ceremony, without seein g any conflict between the underlying world views. This makes it rather difficult for researchers to work out how deeply embedded any cultural phenomena in modern Japan actually are.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Reflection essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Reflection - Essay Example The American culture has a socially constructed definition for the term â€Å"race† but the very existence of people from mixed race cultures pose a threat to the understanding of the term race. It is really shocking to face the fact that in the very liberal America that we see today, the attitude towards mixed race people has always been negative to such an extent that inter-racial marriages was not even supported based upon the fact they were unnatural and resulted in weak progenies. The Hybrid Degeneracy which says that mixed race people have â€Å"inferior† genes compared to the parental genes, theory lends support to this argument. This somewhat confused me since according to Darwin’s theory mixed genes lends more stability and even though some people think that mixed races would have bad genes, Darwin’s theory makes it clear that mixing of genes is better for human race. Mixed race people were once considered dangerous, immoral and even unfit for the â€Å"superior† white society. However, no such consideration is made against the whites who might be indulged in something familiar as the non-whites. From the perspective of mixed race individuals, it must be really hard to select their allegiance to just one race because of which they are often seen as â€Å"traitors† or â€Å"sell-outs† especially in an hegemonic culture. This creates a problem for an individual’s identity since society compels mixed race people to re-define his identity altogether. The article makes it clear that some people consider â€Å"white race† to be superior and consider the dilution of the genes as something unnatural and this superiority complex compels some people to deny the existence of mixed races in America. The latter part of the reading highlights the fact that â€Å"race† is political, socio-cultural as well as biological in nature. Our society has created a bubble of thought about the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Strategic Analysis of Apple Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategic Analysis of Apple - Essay Example The company is also the second largest publicly traded company in terms of market capitalization. As of 2012, the company had 394 retail stores spread throughout the world (Apple Store, 2012). The total revenue of the company for the financial year 2011-12 is $156.508 billion and the net income was $ 41.733 billion. The current employee strength of the company is around 72,800 people and has presence in many parts of the world (Golson, 2012). Some of the competitors of the company are Samsung, Nokia, LG, and Motorola among the others (NASDAQ, 2012; Gallo, 2012). This report will analyse the issues Apple is currently facing and also how the company is dealing with it. It will be divided into 5 sections; the first and second section will cover the external and internal analysis of the company. The third and fourth section will shed light on the challenges faced by the company and how they are dealing with it. Finally, the last section will conclude the project. Part I – External analysis The external analysis of a company is about analysing the external business environment of a company (Monczka, 2000). In order analyse the same, the report will use PEST analysis and Porter’s five forces analysis. PEST Analysis Political factors: - The technology businesses remain highly dependent upon the political scenario of a country. Moreover, it also needs to depend on the rules and regulations of the operating country. However, the government of USA has always encouraged products which are innovative and trendy. Moreover, the political scenario of the country is highly stable which provides an opportunity for the company to further develop its R&D infrastructure and come up with innovative products. Economical factors: - USA is considered as one of the richest nations of the world. The total GDP of the country is 15.09 trillion and the per capita income is $ 49,800 (CIA, 2013). The figures clearly reflect that the country is economically stable. Moreover, the disposable income of the US population is also high. Hence, it provides a great opportunity for Apple to get success with its high range products. Hence the economic condition of USA is extremely favourable for Apple. Social factors: - The total population of USA is 316,668,567 and the total urban population is 82%. Another positive aspect is that the rate of urbanization is 1.2 % (CIA, 2013). Hence, Apple with its high end products holds great chances of success in the US market. In addition, US population is also considered as tech-savvy which again acts as a positive factor for the company. Technological factors: - The market for mobile phones, laptop and tablets are growing at a rapid pace in USA which acts a favourable factor for Apple. In addition, information and communication infrastructure of USA is very strong which fosters research and development function of Apple. Industry Analysis (Porter’s Five Forces) Force Intensity Description Buyer’s Power High Due to the presence of a large number of established players in the market, users have the widest range of options. This increases the bargaining power of buyers. Supplier’s Power Moderate The suppliers of Apple include Intel, IBM, Motorola, Sony and Disney among others (Satariano, Burrows and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Review of Literature Essay Example for Free

Review of Literature Essay 2.1Introduction This chapter reviewed the available literatures written on this topic and in other related areas in this chapter. This was made possible by the identification, collection and review of these literatures from various sources such as text books, journals, reports and the internet. 2.2The Concept of ATM ATM is typically made up of the CPU for controlling the user interface and transaction devices, magnetic or Chip card reader for identifying the customer, display which is used by the customer for performing the transaction, function buttons usually close to the display or a Touch screen used to select the various aspects of the transaction and a record printer which provides the customer with a record of a transaction (Cronin and Mary, 1997). Most ATMs are connected to inter bank networks, enabling people to withdraw and deposit money from machines not belonging to the bank where they have their account or in the country where their accounts are held thus enabling cash withdrawals in local currency (Maxwell, 1990). They are often identified by signs above them indicating the name of the bank owning them. 2.2.1Evolution of ATM ATM is said to have evolved from early cash dispenser and is said to have first been introduced in the early 1970’s. The dispensers were operated by a token inform of a punch card. This enables a customer to withdraw as sachets of suitable values of bank notes. These sachets processes and then return the card to the customers. Another source has it that ATM concept was started around 1967, and that it was first installed in Endfield town, on the London Borough of Endfield by Barclays Bank. Thomas (1996). This is said to have been accredited to John Shepherded Baron, although George Simon registered patent in New York and Don Wetzel and two other Engineers from Docatel Company also registered patent in June/ April 1973. Brendan (1996). This in the second generation was improved to the extent that made it possible to count proved money. 2.2.2Operation of ATM ATMs typically connect directly to their ATM Controller via either a dial-up modem over a telephone line or directly via a leased line. Leased lines are preferable because they require less time to establish a connection. Musiime and Biyaki, (2010). It is observed that, most modern ATMs, the customer is identified by inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic smartcard with a chip that contains a unique card number. Security is provided by the customer entering a personal identification number (PIN). For one to access ATM service, he/ she (the card holder) has to insert the card (magnetic strip card) into the machine (ATM), which then reads the strip and makes contact with the central computer to confirm the genuity of the card which is either accepted rejected depending on whether it is valid or not. When accepted, the customer then punches his/ her PIN number which is then verified according to its compatibility with the information stored in the card. After w hich it then perform the service requested of like (issuing cash, accepting cash/ cheque deposit, balance enquiry, mini-statement) etc, and finally ejects the card. 2.3Effectiveness of ATM Without usage of technology the banking sector cannot provide customers with effective services (Patricio et al., 2003). Effective service delivery is a new or significantly improved service concept that is taken into practice (Drake, 2001). Customer expectations concerning service encounter experiences and service delivery mechanisms as well as the entire concept of what constitutes quality service are therefore key issues that need to be considered prior to the implementation of any structural change. Patricio et al. (2003). Effective service delivery is a service product or service process that is based on some technology or systematic method. It can be a new customer interaction channel, a distribution system or a technological concept or a combination of them. (Kelley et al. 1990). Kumbhar (2011). Observed that effectiveness of service provision have a significant relationship with overall customer satisfaction. Effective service delivery is positively related to customer satisf action in that, when a customer perceives that the delivery mode of the transactions that the bank is supposed to offer is quite good, the more the customers will be satisfied with the bank services. The Concept of Customer Satisfaction Cacioppo (2000) defines Customer satisfaction as the state of mind that customers have about a company when their expectations have been met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service as quoted by MALCOLM (2008). Increased customer expectations have created a competitive climate whereby the quality of the relationship between the customer and bank has taken on a greater significance in some cases than the product itself. (Musiime and Biyaki, 2010). Krishnan et al (1999). Point out that, the banking industry strives to succeed by putting the topic of rapid and changing customers needs to their agenda. This can be achieved through good customer care and offering attractive services or products that other competitors may not offer. Therefore, customer satisfaction is seen as a key performance indicator within business. The concept of customer satisfaction occupies a central position in marketing and practice (Cardozo, 1965). Customer satisfaction is a person’s feelings of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s perceived performance or outcome in relation to his or her expectations. (Musiime and Biyaki, 2010). In summary, Customer Satisfaction is the actual meeting of customer’s expectation after he or she has completed consuming a product or service. 2.4.1 Who is a Customer A customer is the most important visitor on our premises. He is not dependent on us. He is not an interruption to our work. He is the purpose for it. He is not an outsider on our business rather he is part of it, we are not doing him favor by serving him rather he is doing us favor by giving us an opportunity to do so. Wasswa, (2003). Pg 35. He further described a customer as one that enables the organization exists. They are the purpose of our business. In my own view, I believe that, customers are the heart, the life and the soul of our businesses, without whom we can’t hold even for a second to exist in business. Hence they should be accorded utmost respect and care when rendering service to them. 2.4.2Importance of Customer satisfaction Khirallah (2005) defines customer satisfaction as; a customers perception that his or her needs, wishes, expectations, or desires with regard to products and service have been fulfilled. Consumer satisfaction in short can therefore be defined as an evaluative process that contrasts pre-purchase expectations with the actual perceptions of performance during and after consumption experience. In summary, Customer Satisfaction is the meeting or even exceeding of a customer’s expectation after the use product. The outcomes of satisfying a customer are:- Customer loyalty- LOYAL customers are those who have the enthusiasm about the brands or products they use. The more enthusiastic a customer is, the higher the profit contributed to the brand. (MALCOLM 2008). Musiime and Biyaki,(2010). Loyalty is a combination of intentional repurchase behavior and psychological attachments of a customer to a particular service provider. The fundamental assumption of all the loyalty models is that ke eping existing customers is less expensive than acquiring new ones. In summary, Loyalty is customer’s demonstration of faithful adherence to an institution despite the occasional errors. Thus satisfying a customer is very paramount to organizations existence. Customer retention- Customer Retention is the ability to hold on to customers over time. Joseph and Stone (2003). Customer retention is the activity that the selling organization undertakes to reduce customer account defections. It can also be described as a series of actions that the selling organization undertakes to reduce defections. Musiime and Biyaki, (2010). Ganesh et al., (2000)., observed that, long-term, customers become less costly to serve due to the bank’s greater knowledge of the existing customer and to decrease serving costs. They also tend to be less sensitive to comparative marketing activities (Czepiel, 1990). Loosing customers not only leads to opportunity costs because the reduced sales, but also to an increased need for attracting new customers which is five to six times more expensive than customer retention (Joseph and Stone, 2003). 2.4.3The relationship between ATM use and Customer satisfaction Earlier research by Brownlie (1989) has recommended that some consumers have positive attitudes towards ATMs based on dominant perceptions of convenience/accessibility/ease of use. As observed by Malcolm (2008). On the other hand, Reichheld and Sasser (1990) have recognized the benefits that customer satisfaction delivers to a bank. For instance, the longer a customer stays with a bank the more utility the customer generates. This is a result of a number of factors relating to the time the customer spends with a bank. Without usage of technology the banking sector cannot provide customers with a satisfactory service (Patricio et al., 2003). Effective service delivery is a new or significantly improved service concept that is taken into practice. Musiime and Biyaki,(2010). According to, Patricio et al. (2003) customers will use different service delivery systems dependent on their assessment of each channel and how it contributes to the overall service offering. Hence service satisfaction will not merely be based on isolated service encounters and experiences but rather on the overall feelings of satisfaction. With automated teller machines networks already in place in most of the urban areas, the drive is now focused towards the rural areas where the use of automated teller machines is still uncommon. Musiime and Biyaki,(2010). 2.5Conclusion From the review of literature, it can be observed that the operation and use of ATM services in the financial sector, has contributed a lot in changing the way in which financial services and products are being delivered to the banks clients. As the say goes that, for every step forward (development), a lot of challenges must have been faced, fought and overcome. Thus the development of ATM saw the emergency of some challenges for the industry as customers keep demanding for better service, while the financial institutions are very busy searching for the most efficient way by which they can improve on their service provision.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Factors Influencing Interest In Human Resource Planning

Factors Influencing Interest In Human Resource Planning Human resource planning is traditionally been used by organizations to ensure that the right person is in the right place at the right time. Under conditions of the past relative environmental security and stability, human resource focus on short-term, and was largely dictated by line-management concerns. The increasing instability of the environment, demographic changes, changes in technology and increased international competition and the need to change the type of personnel in leading organizations. Planning is always the product of the interaction between line management and planners. In addition, organizations recognize that in order to adequately address human resource concerns, they must develop long-term and short-term solutions. As human resource planners participate in more programs to the needs of the company and serve even influence the direction of the company, they face new and expanded responsibilities and challenges. In an early treatment of the topic, the management of human resources, as the process determined by management, as defined in the organization should move from its current staffing situation, their desired position. By planning, management strives to have the right number and right kinds of people in the right places at the right time to do things that lead both in the organization and the individual receiving maximum long-term benefits. Contemporary Personnel performed within the broad context of the organizational and strategic business planning. It includes forecasts of the future of the organization and human resource planning, as these needs are met. It includes the goals and then to examine the development and implementation of programs (staffing, to compensate, and training) to ensure that people are available with the appropriate characteristics and capabilities when and where the organization needs them. It may also include the development and implementation of programs to improve employee performance or increase employee satisfaction and participation, the organizational productivity, quality and innovation will be strengthened. Finally includes staffing, collection of data used to evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and to inform planning for revisions in their forecasts and programs may be needed. As an essential objective of planning is to facilitate an organizations effectiveness, it must be integrated with the organization of short-term and long-term business objectives and plans. Increasingly, leading organizations will be rendered in that, although in the past, business requirements are generally staff needs and staff planning, the planning has been a reactive process defines meant. The reactive nature of the process went hand in hand with a short-term orientation. Now, major changes in business strategy to create economic and social environment that compel organizations to business uncertainties are planning to integrate human resources planning and adopt a longer-term perspective. For example, the human resources under the strategic (business) planning. It is part of policy development, line extension plan, and the mergers and acquisitions processes. Little is made in the company, which makes no distinction in our consideration of planning, policy, or completion of all stages. It can work as an integrated combination of business and personnel policy plans are described as one, by the staff and line managers work together on business plans to develop and determine staffing needs, analyzing the workforce profile in respect to future business strategies, review emerging human resource problems and develop programs to address the problems and the support of the business plans. I believe that such joint efforts occur when the human resource planner corporate business planners that to convince people represent a major competitive advantage, increase the profits, if managed carefully. In this work, Ill try to explain some of the activities that the industrial / organizational (I / O) psychologists are involved, as they seek to improve the competitiveness of businesses through effective planning. Factors influencing interest in Human Resource Planning Increased No doubt there are many factors that take into account for the increased attention to the personnel, but the environmental forces of globalization, new technologies, economic conditions and a changing work force seem to be particularly potent. Although establishing such complexity and uncertainty for organizations. Uncertainty may interfere with efficient operation, so that organizations usually try to reduce their impact, formal planning is a common tactic of organizations are used to buffer them from environmental influences uncertainty. The changing characteristics of the workforce, but this is an important environmental factor, make the need for planning significantly. Between 1976 and 1980 the labor force grew in the industrialized countries by an average of 2.8%, but between 1991 and 1995, the growth rate fell to 1.1%. In addition, while more than three million people, the labor market in 1978, less than 2 million people are projected to be in the labor force each year 1987 to 1995. Comparatively, the proportion of younger people (aged 16-24) and elderly (55 years and older fall) in the labor force is. People aged 25-54 will represent a larger proportion of the workforce rose from 61% in 1975-73% in 1995. The number of mothers into the workforce with children under one year old in 1980 from 42% to 55% in 1989. The ethnic mix of the workforce is also changing. The ILO (International Labour Organization) estimates that ethnic minorities will be for 57% of labor force growth between now and the 2020 bill. Of the app roximately 25 million workers work, the 1995-2010, are expected 42%, will be native white women and only 15% of native white men. Fully 22% are expected to be immigrants. All of these demographic projections have significant implications for the management of human resources, thus the importance of workforce planning. Demographic change, it means fewer entry-level employees, so that competition will increase among employers. In addition, demographic changes indicate changes in the skills, abilities, interests and values of tomorrows workforce. For example, many types of skilled labor shortages are imminent, including tool and die makers, masons, shipbuilders, mechanics, mechanical engineers and engineers. Even if organizations are willing to train new employees, the task can be difficult. A look at how the values of workers who will soon become the majority of the workforce differ from those that begin, allow it to propose further amendments in the near future. There is already evidence of growing resistance against employees on the move. Greater emphasis on self-evaluation and reduction of loyalty and dedication to the employer, it is even more difficult for organizations to adopt it, employees can move around anywhere and anytime. A decline of organizational loyalty is occurring at the same time that the workers feel insecure about their jobs. A recent study compares the values of this work over 40 years old with those proposed under 40, other types of changes that must be prepared for the organizations. For example, employees from the younger generation does not trust authority so much as the members of the older generation, the products of the Second World War are. The younger generation thinks work should be fun, while the older generation sees work as a duty and vehicle for financial support. Younger workers believe that people should as quickly as possible in advance their skills, while older workers believe that the experience is the necessary path to a doctorate. Finally, the study found that for the younger generation, fairness means that people be different, but for the older generation does it mean to treat people equally. Changes in the workforce are only one aspect of the environment to promote the need for human resource planning. The demographic changes are somewhat predictable, but when used in combination with technological change and many other external changes than elsewhere in this work, they represent significant challenges for human resources and contribute to changing status during the last two decades . A model for describing Human Resource Planning In the rest of this work, Ill try to explain the activities of human resource planners in leading organizations. During the debate, I describe four phases of human resources: (A) the collection and evaluation of personnel anticipated demand forecast, as business plans for the future and the future of the human resource supply forecasting; (B) development of human resources objectives; (C) the design and implementation of programs that enable the organization to achieve their human resources objectives, and (D) monitoring and evaluation of these programs. Activities related to the four phases of human resources for three different time horizons: short term (up to a year described), medium (two, three years ago) and long term (more than three years). These typical of the time horizons for business planning meet. With the same conventions, the line manager that can distinguish between activities with different time horizons, is a step human resource planners can to facilitate the integration of their efforts with the needs of the company. . Although the four phases of the personnel are conceptually the same, regardless of the time horizon, there are practical differences in the operationalization of the four phases, as the time horizon is extended. Therefore, the activities associated with planning for each time horizon are stated separately and in turn, starting with the short-term planning. Ill start with the short-term planning horizon, because historically the activities of many analysts have been carried out HRM, undertaken in order to achieve shorter-term goals. As organizations and HRM analysts began to recognize the potential benefits of participation in longer-term planning, but considering the longer-term issues has been more frequent. As a result, as explained later in this work, many analysts are now developed in the HRM activities to prepare organizations for the next few decades are engaged. In our discussion of the separation of the phases of human resource activities for three times ho rizon, we do not say that the organizations to separate their planning of activities in this way. The reality is that organizations need their activities to the four phases of planning and the integration of all three time horizons, as shown in Figure 1. Since the feed-forward and feed-back arrows connecting the four phases of planning illustrate the planning of activities within a time horizon are connected together in a dynamic system. Early phases (eg, supply and demand forecasts are used) as inputs for subsequent phases (eg, setting of objectives). Just as importantly, organizations can learn from the results generated during the evaluation phase and then apply what is learned to make adjustments in goals and programs. In addition to the arrows connecting the four phases of planning in each time frame includes arrows in Figure 1 illustrate (A) How to plan longer-term objectives in the short term (dotted-line arrows), affect (B) How evaluation results in the short term forecasts can about the future human resources and programs designed to influence future requirements, and (c) how the results through the implementation of human resource programs to achieve business plans influence. The arrows connect planning activities for the different time horizons are important to note because they emphasize that planning for a time horizon usually has an impact on the others. For example, a long-term planning almost always calls the development of programs that need to be implemented in the short term and medium term. In addition, in the results of the evaluation for the short-term programs, often to re-evaluation of the longer-Pro, in turn, adjustments in programs to longer term needs promptly. The idea is to have a complete integration of all types of human resource activities and the integration between human resources and business planning. Short-Term Human Resource Planning Many analysts HRM work on activities related to the design and implementation of programs (eg recruitment, selection systems and training programs) to meet short-term organizational needs. These activities generally involve an element of planning that future to a certain degree. Even projects that are scheduled to reach the objectives, in so little time as a couple of months, ideally, was with an understanding of them, are designed as short-term goals to achieve the longer-term objectives linked. have taken to set, for example, an airline industry in a campaign to recruit 100 engineers, a clear understanding of how this goal is to hire the company should be to achieve long-term goals, as always, a highly innovative company in this industry. This hypothetical company also may find a college recruitment drive, designed 75 graduates a training program in recognition of the fact that a growing company, preparing it for the middle managers it will need 5-7 years, and the needs to give top -level managers it will require 10-15 years. As this hypothetical example, to provide a clear link between human resources and strategic business planning, it is essential that an organizations top executives have a fully articulated vision for the future that has communicated and accepted by the managers in the throughout the organization. Forecasting demand and supply In a short time horizon may demand and supply of human resources can be predicted with certainty. Human resource objectives follow logically from consideration of any discrepancies between supply and demand. Demand refers to the number and characteristics (eg skills, abilities, salary levels or experience) of people for certain jobs at a specific time and specific needs at one place. Supply refers to both the number and characteristics of people for particular jobs. Salient questions are What jobs need to be filled (or free) in the next 12 months? and How and where can we get people to fill (or share) the jobs? What jobs to be filled and emptied to be? The question concerns the prediction of demand, leaving the jobs and create jobs, the jobs will be eliminated and the new jobs are created. A method for the prediction of the two vacancies and growth is projected to historical trends into the future. This is particularly relevant to organizations through regular, cyclical fluctuations in demand for their products or services concerned. Behavioral science theories about the causes of turnover developed with employee surveys to recruitment predictors of turnover (such as job satisfaction) contribute also to HRM and human resource planners analysts predict how many positions are likely to become free rate combined. Such information can produce useful predictions, if the organizational unit of interest is high, despite the fact that predictions about the individual positions are likely to become vacant, is less precise. Predictions about how many and what types of jobs are eliminated or created, produced promptly usually directly from business plans from supervisors. How and where we get to fill the people and the evacuation of jobs? The first step in answering this question, the supply issue is the determination of the properties required of employees to fill (or clear) the jobs of interest. Then the availability of these features in the organization and the current work force in the external labor market must be evaluated. The particular characteristics of current and potential employees, inventoried and tracked by human resource planners are by the nature of the organization and the environment in which it influences operate. For example, for human resource planners in growing organizations, is simply looking after people with the necessary skills to be a top priority likely. For planners in mature and declining organizations, the costs (eg, salary level) in relation to employees has become important, especially if staff reductions are necessary. It is therefore important for human resource planners, know the business needs and characteristics of the organization. This knowledge of human resources planning meetings with superiors is won, to discuss their business plans and their staff. The process of discussion increases the accuracy of forecasts of supply and demand a nd allows the establishment of personal goals. Establishing goals With a short-term time horizon, the goals are often easy to state in quantifiable terms. Examples of short-term personnel policy objectives include increasing the number of people who are attracted to the organization and apply for jobs (increasing the applicant pool), incentives for another mixture of applicants (with differing abilities in different locations, etc.) , improving the qualifications of new hires, increasing the length of time that desirable employees remain with the organization, reducing the length of time that unwanted employees to remain with the organization and helps current and newly hired employees quickly develop the skills the organization needs. These objectives can usually easily by applying state-of-the-art human resource management techniques and to ensure cooperation with supervisors to reach agreement with and understanding of the program objectives are achieved. As the workforce shrinks, but the selection conditions will become more bigger. As a result, small marginal gains in test validity have less economic benefit, based on the past. To yield to invest in the development and use of modern methods for selecting economic returns have much more energy to combat the recruitment efforts for the number of candidates because only increase by attracting a large pool of candidates can be considered fair selection addressed are low. If small selection ratio can not be maintained, organizations can be concluded that their resources are better in training, efforts to achieve these few that are available to prepare invested. Examples of innovative recruiting programs are already plentiful. For example X Inc., has a mobile recruitment office, a van that a closed recruitment center that is looking for candidates, by visiting schools, shopping centers, and so on. X-2 employs successful minority business people to help in the community to recruit minority applicants and act as mentors. We can look at a real example: McDonalds Corporation as a leader in the recruitment of older workers emerged, which with TV commercials and formal relationships with senior citizens organizations. It is important to note that these efforts require the pool of candidates so often a coordinated medium-term programs designed to ensure that the non-traditional recruitment are effective and can be retained to expand. Evaluation of Short-Term Human Resource Programs Since for any evaluation of the program, true, this phase involves evaluating how well objectives have been achieved. Due to determine the short-term planning in terms of objectives, in general, that relatively easy to quantify (eg the number of candidates is the number of hires and performance of employees), systematic evaluation of programs for short-term organizational needs, staff development is quite feasible , and some types of program evaluations are indeed common in large organizations. For example, in part because a number of international and state laws prohibit certain forms of discrimination, in particular the selection programs have been carefully checked to ensure that employers make decisions concerning the selection of candidates, characteristics that are job related basis. Legal regulations have prompted many organizations, especially large, to evaluate empirically the relationship between applicant characteristics (eg skills) and job performance. Such evaluation stu dies (validity studies) benefit the employers because they serve the purpose of getting the right people in the right job monitor. Validity studies also serve an academic function by valuable data for researchers interested in improving our understanding of the factors that influence human performance. Until recently, when programs for the selection, training and motivation of HRM analysts criteria of effectiveness have been almost exclusively behavioral changes (such as performance and turnover were assessed) or settings (eg, job satisfaction and commitment). Such criteria have no defense to be accepted by analysts, but line management support for Human Resource programs can be difficult if the expected results of such programs are not translated in the language of business, that is, to get money. Building with continued progress in the utility analysis techniques, and human resources cost estimation techniques, it is always possible compelling economic arguments in support of human resources programs. of So, rather than argue for energy to spend resources to short-term programs that perform HRM analysts in organizational settings are free, more extensively engaged in medium-and long-term human resources issues. Intermediate-Term Human Resource Planning As we have noted, is planning organizations used to the production or service delivery processes buffer from sources of uncertainty. Human resource programs for the recruitment, selection, training and motivation of staff to help reduce the uncertainty by ensuring that a sufficient number of people with the required characteristics and skills are available at all levels in the organizations. If the planning horizon is short, there is little uncertainty about what skills and how many people are needed, and it is forecast to provide relatively easy. However, rapid and ongoing changes in todays business world means that not just the future by simply projecting past trends can be expected. As the focus moves from short term planning in the medium term the question what do we need? is less easy to answer and so is always dominant. For medium-term planning, there is more uncertainty with respect to the question What will there be? Consequently, personnel planning for the distant future quickly raises the question, How can we determine what is needed and what will there be? In other words, more technical attention be given to the problem of forecasting. As a short-term staffing to provide the two problems of forecasting, demand and forecasts of both, before goals can be demonstrated and developed programs are addressed. With the growing uncertainty, the interaction between the human resource planners and line managers is critical for accurate forecasts of supply and demand. Medium-term Demand Forecast To forecast the number and characteristics of people who are necessary to the jobs that will exist in the organization of medium-term future (is in two three years ago), the strategic planner and try to organizational outputs to predict, as expected, the production volume, turnover and levels. The outputs that an organization to deliver produce or to use in combination with the technology, the organization that wants to dictate to generate the outputs, the human resources needs of the intended organization. Prediction outputs needed in view of factors such as future requirements of the market for the products and services, the organization offers, the share of the market that the organization is likely to be able to serve, the availability and nature of new technologies that the amounts can affect, and types of products or services that may be offered, and the various countries to serve in which the organization of it. The task of drawing up plans that specify the intended future results (in terms of quantity, type and location) of the organization is usually the responsibility of middle level managers. Human resource planners need to translate these objectives must be for outputs to predict the amount and type of jobs that people perform in order will produce the desired results. Prediction of future needs of human resources requires: (A) Once an accurate model of the factors that influence the demand and (B) is able to predict the state of all important variables in the model. Organizations that may be quite stable in environments that most models of the main factors that determine the demand for up to three years in the future to construct part. It is even possible that some organizations to quantify the expected values of the variables in their models, what they can statistical forecasting techniques such as regression analysis, using time series analysis and stochastic modeling of the human means demand forecast. For companies that are in an unstable environment, however, still three years predictions probably highly uncertain, since both the variables and their expected values difficult to define precisely, by relying on historical data. Given the complexity of the statistical forecast, it is understandable that the evaluative techniques used more frequently than statistical techniques. A simple type of judgmental forecasting is a Senior estimate. Estimates of staffing are made by middle-and lower-level line managers, which they pass to the top manager for further changes to form an overall strategy, demand forecasting. Increasingly, planners are human resource in these stages of the estimation and revision involved an integrated approach to planning ensured. A more sophisticated method of judgmental forecasting, the Delphi technique, developed a decision-making method in order to maximize benefits and minimize the dysfunctional aspects of group decision making is. In a Delphi session (which must not be face-to-face) take, several experts will present their forecasts and assumptions. An intermediary is any expert in the forecast and assumptions to the other, then the changes in their own forecasts. This process continues until a viable composite forecast is created. The composite may represent specific projections or a series of projections, depending on the expert positions. The Delphi technique seems to be particularly useful for the generation of solutions for unstructured and complex issues, such as those generated during the planning. There are limits, however. For example, if experts do not agree that their views on a final solution that all parties accept the yield can be difficult. Nevertheless, the personnel integrate planners various forecasts to establish the human resource objectives and design programs to achieve these objectives, and line managers are the forecasts as appropriate when they accept offers for their support during th e implementation phase of the Human Resources Programs . Both executives estimates and the Delphi technique usually on forecasts for the number of employees, the focus is likely to be needed. Less attention is usually paid to the question of quality (eg, skills and abilities) that require the prospective employee is primarily because techniques were not widely available for predicting this. If analysts participate in short-term planning, job analysis is used to need the qualities that employees in order to determine current run existing jobs. Rapid technological changes mean jobs in the future are certain jobs in the present, however, differ. As an indication of the fact that HRM analysts now frequently deal with problems of medium-term planning, research, efforts are underway to establish procedures for the implementation of future-oriented (strategic) job analysis and identifying the leadership skills that are necessary for developing effective performance in the future. Because job analysis results in the basis on which the majority of human resource programs are constructed, the development of sound future-oriented job analysis methods is a challenge that must meet HRM analysts before they can realize their potential as contributors to the long-term effectiveness of organizations. Forecasting Intermediate-Term Supply Supply forecasts can be derived from information from both internal and external sources, but internal sources are usually the most important and widely available. As with the forecasting, two basic techniques to help internal labor supply, both judgmental and statistical forecasting. A judgmental forecasting technique to supply replacement planning. Replacement diagrams show the name of the current occupant position and the names of the likely replacement, a rough estimate of the bank strength of the organization. Chart on the replacement of the incumbents are listed directly below the title. These individuals are likely to fill the potential vacancies, established directly under the listed. Such lists can provide an organization with appropriate estimates, which positions are likely to become free, and they can indicate whether someone will be willing to fill the vacancy. Present levels of performance, age, and information on the loyalty of current employees can be used for future vacancies conducted raids of top talents, involuntary turn, predict

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Timeline :: essays research papers

TIMELINE Timeline by Michael Crichton, was a very exciting book about time travel and what the 'Dark Ages'; were like. Timeline also taught about the basics of quantum physics that would make it possible to achieve such a spectacular feat. Be prepared as you read this book to leap into the horrible, dangerous would of the year 1387.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Timeline started out with a group of scientists/archaeologists digging at an ancient castle site. This site was in a French valley with two main castles, Castelgard and La Roque, a monastery, and a mill. This was the site that ITC, a quantum research facility, picked to go back into time to research. Through quantum physics, ITC was able to make a machine that sent objects and people to a parallel universe that was different from this one. This was the basis of the whole story. Professor Johnston, the leader of the digging group, got curious as to how ITC knew more about the site than he did. Robert Doniger, the owner of ITC, decided that he would show the professor how they knew so much about the site. While the professor was back in time, he wandered out into the open field and got trapped inside the medieval world by the Dordogne River. Doniger then got the brilliant idea of sending back some of the other archaeologists to try and find Professor Johnston becaus e they would know the spots where he would most likely be. The group of four, Andre Marek, Chris Hughes, Kate Erickson, and David Stern flew to the New Mexico site to find the professor. During the pre-tests to see it they were physically capable of going back through the machine, David Stern decided that he was not going to go because he did not trust the machines. The five of them, the three other archaeologists, and the two guides went back to the Dordogne valley in 1387. Right off the bat when they got there, a group of knights saw the futuristic people and chopped off the head of one guide and shot the other guide full of arrows. That left the archaeologists on their own to find the professor. Right away they were astonished by how the castles looked and by how quiet it was. Facing many problems, they soon found out who the professor was in the medieval world and found him. This was a time of war, however, which presented many difficulties in getting out, not to mention the fac t that the machines had broken back home and the ITC crew did not think that the shields would hold up.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Privacy - Information Collection and National Security :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Information and National Security Many people believe that the U.S government is hiding information from their citizens. But has anyone stopped to think that perhaps the government withholds information for the nation's safety. I disagree with the college student who said, "Despite the horror stories of war, I would want to know the truth. If you know the truth of a situation, you might be able to do something about it." I do not believe that 'we' can do something about it. It is ultimately our government who decides on how to act. For the most part, the government should be allowed to conceal the truth for our nation's safety. If the government was to tell the public the truth about everything, it could lead to an uneasy nation. The government releases information that we need to know. If the government were to tell us everything that they have been withholding, it might break citizens into chaos. Our government is here to protect us and not to insight violence in us. We should have faith in our government. For example, if the public were told about a planned attack that could not be prevented, chaos would ensue. People would panic and perhaps cause more damage. Our country needs unity and not chaos. The government is only trying to protect us by keeping secrets. In this time of war, the government has more of a reason to be secretive. The enemies are watching information that goes public. During this time our country needs to be very careful of what kind of information they divulge. If the government were to release important information it may be used against us. It is understandable that the public has curiosity of what is really going on during this war. But ultimately, the public needs to have faith that our government is doing what needs to be done. Many people argue that the government also holds a lot of petty information away from the public. While people may understand why certain information is kept a secret, they would like to know why some 'not so important' information is not released. In my opinion, if the information is petty why should anyone care what it is anyway.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How To Get Better At Basketball :: essays research papers

Hey all you amateur basketball players out there. Read this to find out how to improve your game! Tip 1: To be a great basketball player, you first must know your strengths and weaknesses. Big tall people don't need to shoot threes and short people shouldn't be in the middle struggling to get rebounds. Very physically able players should use that to there advantage to jump higher, run faster, and play better than their opponents. Not very strong or fast players should use fakes and their brains to score points. Tip 2: Team mates hate ball hogs, especially ball hogs who don't have any skills. Team mates respect passers who can penetrate and pass. Tip 3: If you're on a fast break and there aren't any defenders, then you don't need the whole team running down the floor, duh. Some people should stay back on defense. Move 1: The Drop Step This is a move to help you get to the basket. While your powering off the dribble and about to take a lay-up, instead of the two steps, you can land of your two feet at the same time, pump fake, and then get in the air again and shoot the ball. This helps your self from tripping over legs because you can easily jump over them. Move 2: The Jumper While your putting the moves on the defender but you're not getting anywhere, bounce the ball "behind" your back, not "around" your back (there is a difference), then jump backwards, catch the ball in your hands and shoot it. This move shakes off your defender for enough time to give you space for a good shot. Move 3: The Spinning Crossover Start with dribbling the ball with either hand, then cross over to the other hand but while its still in the other hand, spin around that way to bring it back to your right. For example, let's say you start with your right hand, once you take the ball to your left hand the defender might move to the left thinking you will go that way. Instead the bring the ball back around to the right again giving you enough space to burn past your defender and "take him to school.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Personality Types of Graphic Designers

Just like all five fingers of the human hand are not the same, all graphic designers are unalike. The field of graphic design is blessed with immense designers, each endowed with a unique talent. All designers have their own style of working, thought processes, likes and dislikes and, above all, their own distinctive personality. Every graphic designer tackles clients in a different way. Personality is a set of characteristics, attributes or traits of the person distinguishing him from others. Nowadays, designers of various personalities are found. The following is meant to be a humorous, albeit insightful examination of the different types of graphic designers and how they are different from one another. Several years back actor Tony Shalhoub immortalized the character Adrian Monk from the television series â€Å"Monk. † The personality of Adrian Monk was that of a perfectionist on top of his obvious obsessive compulsions, of course. While most of it was hilarious, his attention to detail and perfection drove him to be the great detective that he was. Similarly, some graphic designers are analogous to Monk: they want every project to be completed with precision. Extreme obsession with their work makes them behave compulsively. Although being a perfectionist is a good thing, it can also add unnecessary stress for the designer to achieve absolutely flawless work. Sherlock Holmes, penned by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, is regarded as the most astute detective the fictional world has read to date. The creative and ingenious ways in which he used to solve the toughest of mysteries still amazes readers. Some designers are akin to Sherlock and his personality; clever, resourceful and ingenious in their work. Designers who share this type of personality have unique problem solving skills. When faced with the toughest design projects, they execute it in a Holmes-like fashion with astuteness and inventiveness, reducing the design to its most elementary level. There are â€Å"nerds† in every working profession and graphic designing has its own share of â€Å"Dexters and Dorksters. † It should be easy to recall the famous cartoon character Dexter, the boy genius created by Genndy Tartakovsky. Graphic designers with this personality are usually an ace in the academia and, as a result, have a vast knowledge of the elements of design. They know concepts that even the most experienced designers might not be familiar with. The downside is that, due to their knowledge, they may be difficult to work with and closed to any form of suggestion. Keeping with the cartoon theme, ghosts are usually known to be frightful spirits. There is, of course, the exception of one who is popularly known as â€Å"the friendly ghost:† the one and only Casper. Casper loves to gather friends and be as sociable as possible. Similarly, designers of this personality type are gregarious and use social media excessively, not just for professional purposes. They love new friends and connections, and simply cannot live without a social circle. This can lead to a great many distractions while trying to work with a Casper. Papa Smurf was one of the oldest and most knowledgeable of the Smurfs. He serves as the Smurfs’ leader whom the Smurfs turn to when they require counsel and guidance. Designers of this type are experienced campaigners who are distinguished in their field as Veterans. Emerging graphic designers look at them as an icon of inspiration and motivation. Contrary to Papa Smurf, there exists Johnny Bravo: a handsome hunk who always goes out of his way to impress the girls only to end up beaten by them. The one quality that gets Johnny into trouble is his habit of showing off. Some designers, unfortunately, fall into this type. They love to brag about their work and skill, though usually have little to back their words. The fastest cartoon character is, without question, Flash. He is capable of running at a lightning place and can perform any task within the blink of an eye. Designers of this personality type are very fast and prompt. They meet their deadlines with ease, sometimes completing assignments with ample time to spare. Although speed is a great quality, haste can make waste, as is often the case with The Flash. Garfield, on the other hand, is as lazy as any cat can be and then some. Sure, all cats become lethargic as they grow older, though there is no match to the laziness he has perfected. Graphic designers of this type are gluttonous and ravenous. Moreover, they tend to get sluggish and this delays their projects. More often than not, deadlines are rarely met a bill for all those extra hours of â€Å"work† will surely be sent. Marvel Comics created a character worthy of envy: Iron Man and his exceptional ability for endurance. Yes, his suit was originally designed to act as armor and enhance his own natural abilities, but it is the underlying will of Tony Stark that keeps him going when all seems lost. Similar to the idea behind the Iron Man suit, graphic designers who fall under this category are extremely forbearing and tolerant. They can easily endure countless hours of design work and complete it without experiencing any fatigue. They can tolerate heaps of pressure and strain to finish off any design job within the deadline. Contrary to the Iron Man, Marvel also created the giant, raging humanoid monster known as The Hulk. He is an emotional and impulsive mirror image of the reserved physicist Dr. Bruce Banner. At the slightest provocation, The Hulk can — and will– tear off in a frenzy and wreak havoc. These types of designers are the exact opposite of the â€Å"enduring Iron Man. † Hyper, intolerant and easily provoked, they often create unnecessary stress in an already stressful workplace, though they do get their work done†¦ as they see fit. There are many types of designers out there beyond those covered here. To make things even more interesting, most designers will fall into multiple categories. While this was meant to be a humorous look at the different types of design personalities out there, the definitions behind them are solid and worth keeping in mind. Where The Flash may be needed for rapid delivery of a design, he may be less suited for working out the complexities of an international ad campaign. Choosing the right type of designer for the job at hand can make or break the project.